Friday, 22 April 2016

Isa and Sebastian

Going around the poles. This was a sign frame near the library. We never made it to the park. Things on the way were too fascinating.


We visited the East Bay Vivarium on our way out of town yesterday. Sebastian was very excited to see some turtles.

Especially this big outdoor tank of red eared sliders. "I'm one of the turtles!" he told me just before I took this picture.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Zev and Sebastian

Playing with the story cubes.

The Cafe is Open

Sebastian playing in the play house at Emily and Joshua's house.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Turtle Puppet

At the library

Amy reads Sebastian some books at the Berkeley library.

Dinner at Brett and Erica's

Sebastian tweaking Alex's nose; cousins Luca and Giovanni in the background.

Brett and baby

Brunch in Berkeley

Sebastian and Tony bonding over video games.